Position Specific

June 13th,15th 8am-10am
Guard Play
Guard Play is a training program for intermediate and advanced level players who are serious about learning the skills and techniques of effective perimeter play. Emphasis will be on:
o How to execute when closely guarded (with or without the ball)
o Attacking the basket
o Purposeful dribbling (moves and counter moves)
o First step explosion engaging multiple defenders as well as creating space
Post Play
Post Play is a training program for intermediate and advanced level players serious about learning the skills and techniques of effective inside play. The program will provide training and techniques to post up opponents and then maneuver effectively into scoring position. Empahsis will be on:
o Ball protection
o How to attack facing the basket as well as with your back to the basket
o Finishing
o Rebounding techniques
o The jump and sky hook
o Power moves
o Counter moves

Personal/Small Group Instruction
Next Level “Elite” Training
Player Evaluation Program
Prep School
Team Training
Developmental League

Gym Rat Teams
3 ON 3 Basketball League

Ballhandling I, II
Defensive Skills
Gametime Shooting
Instructional Team Camp
Position Specific
Sweet Moves
Team Play